Commissioner For Entrance Examinations
Housing Board Buildings,
Thiruvananthapuram-695 001
Entrance Examination for Admission to LL.M Course 2010-2011
1. Applications are invited for the Entrance Examination for admission to LL.M Course-2010-11 in the Government Law Colleges at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Kozhikode.
2. Eligibility for Admission
(i) Nativity: Applicant should be an Indian citizen of Kerala Origin.
(ii) Academic qualifications: Candidates who have passed the L.L.B. examination (5 year / 3 year course) of the Universities in Kerala or other Universities recognized by the Universities in Kerala as equivalent thereto are eligible for admission. Candidates appearing / appeared for the regular Final year LL.B. examination can also apply for the Entrance Examination. Such candidates become eligible for admission only if they produce the Provisional Degree / Degree Certificate of the qualifying examination and the mark lists of all parts of the qualifying examination at the time of Allotment of seats.
(iii) Age: There is no upper age limit for admission to LL. M Course.
3. Entrance Examination: The Entrance Examination will be conducted at Thiruvananthapuram, on 24.10.2010 (Sunday). The Questions of the Entrance Examination will be of objective type. There shall be two papers each of 90 minutes duration, from 9.30am to 11.00am and 11.30 am to 1.00pm. The questions shall be of the standard of LL.B Examination.
4. Application forms: Application forms and Prospectus can be downloaded from the official website of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations at ‘’
5. Last date and time for receipt of filled-in application forms
Completed applications with all the documents should be forwarded to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Housing Board Buildings, 5th Floor, Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 001 either by Registered post or by hand delivery so as to reach him before 5 pm on 08.10.2010. Keralites residing inside Kerala State, can remit the Application fee (Rs.800/- Rupees Eight Hundred only) in any branch of the State bank of Travancore using the Challan provided on page No.5 of the application form. The original Challan contained in page No.5 shall be attached with the application form duly signed and authorized by Bank authorities on remittance of application fees. Keralites residing outside Kerala State, can remit the application fee by attaching a Demand Draft for the requisite amount drawn on a Nationalized Bank in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
6. Late applications including those brought after 5 PM on 08.10.2010 will not be accepted. The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will not be responsible for any postal delay. Incomplete, defective and wrongly addressed applications will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be undertaken in this regard.
7. Candidates will not be allowed to include any information in the application form after the submission of the application under any circumstances.
8. Candidates must note that they have to obtain the required certificates in the body of the application form itself, wherever necessary. The certificates that are attached separately in the application form will not be considered.
9. The Allotment of seats to the course will be announced after the publication of the results of the Entrance examination. Individual memos will not be sent to candidates in this regard. All certificates in support of various claims preferred in the application form will have to be submitted at the time of
Allotment. No extension of time will be granted for this.
10. The Entrance Examination and subsequent allotments will be based on the various provisions laid down in the prospectus, approved by Government. Candidates are directed to go through the various provisions in the Prospectus available in the Official web site of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations at “” before submitting their applications.
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Kerala Entrance Examinations 2010,Admission to LL.M Course 2010-2011,Kerala LL.M Application Form,Prospectus,LL.M Results Kerala,
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