Ethiraj College for Women
Chennai-600 008,
Ethiraj College for Women Situated in the heart of the city of Chennai in 9 acres of campus area, the college stands self contained with prestigious structures measuring to a total plinth area of 3,48,751Sq.ft. It is this infrastructural facility and the vision which is kept up by the successive managements, principals, faculty and students which has gained for the college the five star status from NAAC and the college with Potential for Excellence award from UGC. Thousands of students have passed out of the portals of the college, carrying with them the aura and dignity of the institution itself. The students are today occupying enviable positions all over the world from diplomatic circles to law and order to teaching and caring for the under privileged. They have also won national awards for their contribution to the nation's cultural and educational legacy. In strengthening the core competencies, the college has been making steady progress. The college has a dedicated team of 283 faculty members who maintain academic excellence and about 6500 students who are the anchor to sustain the vision of the institution. The college has high standards of academic excellence and the zeal for constant updating and renewal. For more Information visit
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