Indira Gandhi National Open University
IGNOU Admissions: M.Ed. Special Education and B.Ed. Special Education
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) invites applications for admission to Degree Programmes in Special Education.
The programmes are:
1. M.Ed. Special Education in Hearing Impairment (MEDSEHM), Learning Disability (MEDSELD), Visual Impairment (MEDSEVI) and Mental Retardation (MEDSEMR).
2. B.Ed. Special Education in Hearing Impairment; Visual Impairment; and Mental Retardation.
Eligibility for admission to M.Ed. Special Education is B.Ed. Special Education or equivalent degree approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) with an aggregate of 50% marks and two years of teaching/professional experience. The minimum duration for completion of M.Ed. Special Education is two years and maximum is four years.
Eligibility for admission to B.Ed. Special Education is Bachelor's degree from any recognised University. A weightage of 10 marks will be given to parents of children with disability, persons with disability or persons possessing any RCI recognised qualification. The minimum duration for completion of B.Ed. Special Education is two years and maximum is five years.
The medium of instruction is English and there is no age bar for any of the Programmes.
Selection will be done on the basis of an entrance test and weightage as applicable. The reservation policy will be applicable as per Govt. of India rules. A Study Centre-wise merit list will be prepared.
Student Handbook & Prospectus can be obtained from the Registrar (SRD), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068 as well as from the IGNOU Regional Centres by sending a Demand Draft/IPO of Rs 550 in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi/City of the concerned Regional Centre or by paying Rs 500 in cash at the respective sale counters. Please write your name and address on the back of the DD/IPO.
The last date for the receipt of request for 'PROSPECTUS' by post is December 22, 2010.
Application form and prospectus can also be downloaded from the website: and sent to the concerned Regional Centre by Speed Post/Registered Post along with a DD/IPO of Rs 550 in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi.
Prospectus will be sent to such applicants after receipt of Rs 550 as explained above.
Filled in application forms for Entrance Test must reach the concerned Regional Centre by Registered Post/Speed Post on or before January 7, 2011.
For more details visit:
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IGNOU Admission to B.Ed and M.Ed Programme in Special Education,IGNOU B.ED & M.Ed Admission,IGNOU B.Ed Results 2011,M.Ed 2011 Result,
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